
The SpinCycle Electric Recumbent Human-Hybrid Tricycle

The heart and soul of our company, RunAbout Cycles Inc. Designed and developed between 2002 and 2004. With continuous developments, upgrades and improvements, the SpinCycle Trikes were custom built from 2004-2012.

Each of these custom electric vehicles were one of a kind, hand-crafted and built from the ground up from our own design. We cut and bent 4130 Cromoly steel tubing, machined frame parts on the Bridgeport and lathe, built custom wheels, front suspension, seat slider adjustment parts and sourced specialty bicycle parts and components to complete the build. Each custom machine model of the SpinCycle Electric Tricycles was hand TIG welded 4130 Chromoly steel, with custom powder coated paint colors.

We incorporated high end cycling components, like the Cycle Analyst fuel meter, high quality state of the art Lithium Ion Phosphate batteries, speed hubs from Nuvinci, and Rohloff’s 14 speed shifting hub. Large wind fairings, two mirrors, gold rims and pedals, extra battery packs, panniers, racks and custom powder coat paint designs were some of the various specs.

Utilizing components like the Rohloff speed hub, and the Nuvinci continuously variable shifting hub was part of our pioneering history in electric bicycle design. We were the first electric bicycle designers and hand builders to include these components on our electric vehicles. Our vehicles were making history, long before most cycling components industries, bicycle hand builders, or bicycle manufacturers had electric assistive technologies on their radar.

With a range of 20 to 30 miles per charge, depending on rider input, and a relaxed semi-recumbent style, on a stable tricycle platform, these customized electric cycles won the hearts of many, and some are still riding theirs today.

A passion that lasted for over a decade

Check out the photo gallery bellow of some of our RunAbout Cycles’ SpinCycles including the first two generation prototypes


Aerobic Cruiser


Electric Mountain Bike