
Josh Kerson

Owner, Proprietor

Bicycle Mechanic

Machinist, Welder, Fabricator

Bicycle Frame Designer & Builder

Electrical Mechanical Technician

Holds a B.A. in Entrepreneurial Business and Appropriate Vehicle Design

Studied at:

The Lemelson Assistive Technology Development Center, Amherst, MA

Haarlem International School of Business, Netherlands

Josh Kerson bicycle mechanic

Our story

Electric Bicycles are more than just bikes, these designs are ideas about a more sustainable future.

We’ve been studying, designing, and hand building bicycles with a light electric assist since 2004. Working with companies like RunAbout Cycles, and Aerobic Cruisers, we have been pioneers in the industry.

Now is the time for us to be able to provide value for our community with years of experience, in servicing E bikes from all over the world. As the industry grows, so does the need for professional electromechanical diagnostics, maintenance, service, upgrades, and retrofits. We are thankful for the opportunity to help others to become empowered, and more sustainable with our local transportation.

~ Josh K.

custom bicycle frame designed by Josh Kerson

Elana and Josh work on a prototype frame, in their fabrication shop in Tennessee, 2008.

Handbuilt- Electric Human Hybrids The Aerobic Cruiser project - 2008

Our prototypes for the Aerobic Cruiser electric bicycle rode 100 miles at 20 miles per hour, on one charge; with 24 volts and 40 amp hours of LifePo4 recyclable batteries. We hand-built these electric bicycles for comfort, with efficiency and style.